You only get one set of teeth and with proper care (and a bit of luck) they can last a lifetime. But if a tooth is severely decayed or is broken in an accident, a tooth extraction may be required. But Dr. Streett will only remove a tooth when absolutely necessary. If at all possible, she will help save your tooth. If you’ve been told by another dentist you need a tooth extraction, our office is here to help.

If a tooth extraction is the best option, Dr. Streett will help you feel comfortable and at ease throughout the procedure. She’ll also talk to you about high-tech restoration options so you can speak, eat, and smile with confidence.

Don’t wait! If you’re suffering from:

  • Cracked or fractured teeth
  • Severe toothaches
  • Painful wisdom teeth*

*If wisdom teeth need to be extracted, we have a wonderful team that we refer our patients to who will perform the surgery if it not possible in our office .

man getting his teeth checked
smiling woman